My name is Gabriella, and I live in the Metro Atlanta area with my two sweet kitties, Emma and Zipper. When I am not out thrift shopping or teaching my cats tricks, you can find me doing the kind of marketing where I have the opportunity to solve problems through fun, engaging content.

If you know me, you know that I thrive in working with the scrappiness of innovation― like the business plan that starts off with a seemingly small unique idea… but through successful marketing, becomes rightfully noticed for the groundbreaking invention it is.

To me, successful marketing isn’t just about selling the most products. It’s about telling a powerful story, thus connecting the brand to the niche audience the product was created for.

Coming up with big ideas and watching those ideas come to life is where I feel the most fueled with passion for my work, because I truly believe that every business has the opportunity to reach their full potential of greatness… they just need to dream bigger and think outside the box (Or to hire someone like me to help them). If you also like to dream big, let’s talk! I think we can have some fun.